MICRO-RAY is a virtual detection barrier with linear microwave rays developed by CIAS laboratories, based on a deep knowledge of microwave technologya and signal analysis, coupled with long experience of real-world perimeter requirements. The idea was born from the need for an alternative to infrared rays, which are normally used to protect very narrow corridors, but which by their nature have many limits that can negatively affect performance. Infrared beams are especially vulnerable to climatic conditions such as temperature, glare, solar reflections, fog, and need frequent maintenance such as cleaning of the cover. MICRO-RAY provides a linear ray covering a very narrow area, exactly as infrared barriers but without the limits of the latter. The flexibility of application of these new linear microwave beams, thanks to their detection reliability, total immunity to even extreme weather conditions and reduced power consumption, without the need for a heater, makes this product a unique solution of its kind. Each column can be equipped with 1 to 4 microwave beams, independent in alarm management.
Technical features:
Sensor type: 24Ghz bistatic linear microwave
Range: 100m
Minimum clearance space required: 1m
Probability of detection: 98%
Predictable false alarms rate: 1 / year / barrier
Signal analysis: digital Fuzzy Logic
Detection height: up to 3m
Max. Number rays: 4 per column
Power Consumption: 120mA per beam
Power supply: 230Vac / 13.8Vdc with power Kit or POE 802.3 af with Micro-Ray-IP-POE module (1 per column)
IP rating: IP55
Operating temperature -35 ° + 65 °
Configuration: manual
How does it work? MICRO-RAY uses special 24Ghz antennas that allow an array of up to 4 independent modules in the same column without interference. These modules create very narrow beams of linear microwave energy, and the alarm occurs due to their interruption and NOT through the analysis of the disturbance generated by any movements within the volume, as in classic microwave barriers. Each module has an independent output with alarm, fault and tamper that can be connected to any intrusion control panel. For integrated systems it allows management via RS485 and IP, with a dedicated interface module, and also provides the possibility of being fully powered with Power Over Ethernet.
The Fuzzy digital logic applied to each beam makes it possible to manage the signal and obtain the best compromise between proper detection /false alarm.
New web-based calibration tool for setting up Murena Compact + Radar and Micro-Ray mW barrier. Mobile-Friendly, it shows the CIAS Tuner’s screens on your smartphone or tablet via a WiFi browser, therefore it’s very useful in the walking-test phase, for an immediate view during intrusion tests.
CIAS Tuner is already available for Micro-Ray and for Murena Compact + (as soon as the sensor is released). It will be gradually extended to all CIAS digital products.